Monday, May 4, 2009


Diligence is the ability to do a little thing for a long time until something big happens.

Remember a drip of water can change a formation of a rock. A little drip for a long time...

God bless

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Psalm 94:19

When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Friday, March 13, 2009

God's perfect timing

Why is it that God sometimes seems to be slow in acting? Perhaps it's because of the truth of 2 Peter 3:8.

Remember that Jesus, the Savior of the world, didn't begin his ministry until He was 30 years old. He spent the bulk of His life working in a carpenter's shop! A waste of time? No...God's perfect timing.

Read what the psalmist thought about God's timing in Psalm 74

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he.

Proverbs 16:20

No one will ever find true happiness by disobeying a clear command of God, for happiness is found in trusting God-and those who disobey show that they do not trust Him to make them happy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bearing One Another's Burdens

Gal. 6:1-3

We in the body of Christ all have a responsibility to one another. No Christian has ever been called to go it alone in his or her walk of faith. Paul taught that if a believer is caught in sin, the strong members of the church are to help shoulder the responsibility of that person's sin. They are to work with the sinner to help him get back on track.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Psalm 112:7

I will not fear bad news, nor live in dread of what may happen, for I am settled in my heart that God will take care of me. That is why I am not afraid, but can calmly face my foes. Psalm 112:7

Give each day to the Lord. Keep your eyes on Him.

Speaking the right words

God's Word says that by my words I am justified and by my words I am condemned. Matthew 12:37. I put a guard over my mouth. I choose to speak words of life, health, and healing. I choose to speak only words that are gracious and kind.

Lord, help me not speak evil of any person. God forgive me of the times when I fall short in this area. Help me not to speak words of death, destruction, and discouragement. I will be mindful to speak words that encourage, uplift, and inspire others. I refuse to criticize, condemn, or complain.

I put God's Word in my mouth and I speak His promises over my life and the lives of others throughout the day. This is how I want to be Lord.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29

Monday, February 2, 2009

Psalm 94:19

Psalm 94:19

Lord when doubt fills my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and strength.

Lord, I am reminded that I live within the Shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods. And with that I am comforted.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Start each Day with God

I rejoice because I am God's child. I have been filled with His Spirit. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. The Holy Spirit will give me wisdom and discernment regarding every decision I need to make today.

I acknowledge God through prayer and worship, my steps are ordered and directed of Him. The Lord gives me wisdom and insight concerning all the affairs of my life.

I choose to honor God today by the words I speak; I will honor God by the way I act. I will honor God by allowing His love, light, and truth to shine through me.

Always remember Romans 8:31 If God be for us who can be against us?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trusting God in the Dark

Habakkuk 3:17-19

We trust God to accomplish what He promises us in His Word. But the real battle of faith comes when He appears not to respond to our trust.

The prophet Habakkuk demonstrated the essence of true faith: to continue to trust in the Lord's wisdom and faithfulness, even when He seems inactive, or worse, uncaring.

Do we cling to God and His Word despite the silence? Can we say, along with Habakkuk, that although all our resources and reserves vanish, "yet I will rejoice in the Lord" (Hab. 3:18)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Christianity is not a religion. Religion is humans trying to work their way to God through good works. Christianity is God coming to men and women through Jesus Christ. Christianity is a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Be imitators of Christ

God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it even if it seems unreasonable.

Eph. 5:1

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. If we are children of God, it only makes sense that we are to imitate our Father. And if we do not imitate our heavenly Father, there is biblical reason to wonder who our father really is. (see 1 John 3:10)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Importance of the Scriptures

The Bible applies to all men and women in every culture, in every age, in every walk of life. The Bible is inspired (God breathed) it is life's final and ultimate authority. The Bible is the "last word" on issues pertaining to God and His ways. No individual, institution, or organization can supersede the authority of Scripture. 2 Tim. 3:16-17

The Bible is God's guide to salvation and wise living: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" Psalm 119:105

Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Bible enlightens each individual to recognize personal sin, the need for salvation, and the best possible life course. Without the Bible informing us, we would be hopelessly unable to know and follow the true and living God.

The Bible is the book for everyone. It is revelation, inspiration, and communication of the Person and plan of the eternal, living, and powerful God.

God's Word is an immovable anchor in times of storms

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Faith says God is in control

Mark 4:35
When hardships come our way, do we respond, "God, I trust You to bring me through this"? Or do we tend to say, "I am doomed, and there's nothing anybody can do"?

God has given to each one of us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3), and He expects us to use it to overcome our fear. Fear always accompanies adversity; in fact, a degree of fear is what makes something an adversity instead of just another experience. Fear causes us to project the very worst that can happen--that we will never recover, that all hope is lost.

Faith tells the opposite story. Faith says that God is in control and that all things work together for our good (Roman's 8:28). Faith says that we will recover, and that there is hope.

Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.

We learn more in our mountain experiences than on our mountaintops

Faith says God is in control

Grieving the Holy Spirit

Did you know we can short circuit the effective work of the Holy Spirit in our lives by grieving Him? Paul wrote, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God" Eph. 4:30

How do we grieve the Holy Spirit? We grieve Him when we disobey God's commandments and when we choose to act in unrighteous ways. In other words, we displease the Lord when we know what to do and then choose to do the opposite. Our ungodly behavior breaks the heart of God.

Obedience always brings blessing.
To walk in the spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the Spirit.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Grace in which we stand

When we think of grace, we think of the favor of God. There is nothing you can do to earn God's grace. Salvation is His gift, given in love to you. But does grace stop at the point when you receive Jesus as your Savior? No, His grace flows over your life each moment, bringing hope and an enormous sense of peace and security. For the believer, living in God's grace is all-consuming. You can't walk away from it, because God thinks, responds, and views us through the eyes of grace.

Through grace, you walk in God's favor, and through this gift of grace you have access to God the Father.

For now, we stand in the light of grace. One day we will walk its streets.

Romans 5:2

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rejoice in today

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

How often have you found what you were looking for in life, only to realize it didn't bring you the satisfaction you thought it would. It is life's ultimate frustration-thinking we well find fulfillment in the things of this world. But they can never bring lasting happiness. As one bumper sticker I saw expressed it, "All I want is a little more than I have now".....Try putting Christ first and watch how your life is turned around. You will discover that He alone is the source of the love, peace, and joy you have been searching for.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Birth

John 3:3

In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

True life is found only in the relationship with God Who created you.
1. God loves you and has a New Life for you to experience.
2. We have separated ourselves from God and turned to our own way, so we miss the love and new life he has for us
3. Jesus Christ was sent by God into the world, not to condemn us but to give us NEW LIFE so that in Him we have God's love.
4. Turn from your own way and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by a personal invitation.

Dear Father, I know that I am a sinner and separated from you. I believe that Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for my sins, and I receive your forgiveness. I am willing to turn from my way and go your way. Lord Jesus I now invite you into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior. I will follow and obey you as the Lord of my life---in Jesus name, Amen.

Does this prayer express your desire? If so, pray now and Jesus will come into your life as He promised.

To grow in your new life....Read your Bible daily to know Christ better. (2.) Talk to God in prayer everyday. ( 3.)Tell others about Jesus. (4.) Fellowship together with other Christians. (5) Allow the power of the Holy Spirit to control your life every day.


1 John 4:19

We love, because He first loved us.

God is love. Life without love is empty and meaningless no matter how gifted we are. Love starts and stops with God. God created it out of His very nature, and He desires that we share and experience this wonderful gift to humankind.

Eternal Security

1 John 5:13

These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.

God assures believers of eternal life. This assurance is based on belief in Jesus Christ. Why is belief in Christ conditional for eternal life? Belief is conditional because God's purpose for Christ's death was the payment for a debt we could not pay. That debt is sin.

Team Hoyt

Count Your Blessings